Obtenido de la selección de las mejores variedades sicilianas.
Maridaje: Un aceite con cuerpo, con sabores amargos y picantes muy equilibrados y un intenso aroma cítrico. Con postres agridulces y ensaladas. Excelente en helados de base neutra y con imaginación en todos los platos mediterráneos.
Blend of Moresca, Tonda Iblea, Biancolilla and Nocellara varieties, harvested in south-eastern Sicily at 200-400m above sea level. From young olive groves in hilly and flat areas near the sea. With the addition of natural basil flavour
Pairing: A full-bodied oil with well-balanced bitter and spicy flavors and an intense citrus aroma. Pairs well with sweet and sour desserts and salads. Excellent with neutral-based ice creams and imaginatively pairs with all Mediterranean dishes.