Aperitif Sauce: Olive and Truffle Spread Dale un toque más sabroso a tu aperitivo con nuestra Salsa de Aceitunas y Trufa (Tuber aestivum Vitt.). Delicioso en canapés y picatostes, pero también como ingrediente para otras recetas. Make more tasty your aperitif with... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $18.50 Add to Cart
White Truffle Chips Nuestras Chips de Trufa están sazonadas con trufa italiana liofilizada (Tuber aestivum Vitt.), para deleitar el paladar de los amantes de la trufa.Crujientes y gruesas, las Chips de Trufa son perfectas para disfrutar solas, así como para... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $9.00 Add to Cart
Sale Truffle Risotto Thanks to our thirty-years experience in the culinary world we were able to create the Ready Risotto with truffles: all you need is water – and few minutes of preparation time – to serve this delicious dish. One of the most tasty and... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $35.50 Add to Cart
Tagliolini Egg Truffle Pasta Nuestra pasta Tagliolini con trufa se elabora artesanalmente en nuestro taller de Piobesi d'Alba: se extruye en bronce, se coloca sobre bastidores de madera y se seca a baja temperatura durante un largo periodo. Consejo del chef: hierva 2 litros de agua... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $24.00 Add to Cart
White Truffle Powder An incredible seasoning with the distinctive white truffle aroma, this product is unique in its recipe thanks to a masterful blend of fragrances and flavors due to the core ingredients used. A perfect and balanced flavor is captured for... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $35.50 Add to Cart
Summer Black Truffle Sliced Se sirve directamente sobre platos fríos o calientes. El aceite de oliva en vaso también se puede usar como condimento.To be served directly on hot or cold dishes. Olive oil in the glass can also be used as a condiment.03/2023 MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $33.60 Add to Cart
Mayonnaise with White Truffle Ideal para aderezar carnes, pescados, quesos, tortillas, patatas fritas y para preparar sándwiches y aperitivos. Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco. Una vez abierto, conservar en el frigorífico (+4 °C) y consumir en un plazo de 10... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $15.25 Add to Cart
Organic Oat vegetable drink 500ml The Alce Nero oat plant-based drink is made from Italian organic oats and enriched with Lithothamnium calcareum seaweed, making it a precious source of calcium. Free from cholesterol, it is an alternative to traditional milk. Served cold it is... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $3.75 Add to Cart
Organic gluten free fusilli 250g Alce Nero organic gluten free penne is made using only organic corn and rice grouwn in Italy The rigorous production, the use of spring water from the Dolomites and bronze-drawing creates a pasta with an unmistakable flavour which never overcooks. Durum... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.00 Add to Cart
Organic gluten free penne 250g Alce Nero organic gluten free penne is made using only organic corn and rice grouwn in Italy The recipe has been created to achieve the right balance of flavour between white and yellow corn and rice. It never overcooks and preserves its original... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $5.00 Add to Cart
Organic gluten free spaghetti 250g Alce Nero organic gluten free penne is made using only organic corn and rice grouwn in Italy The recipe has been created to achieve the right balance of flavour between white and yellow corn and rice. It never overcooks and preserves its original shape... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.50 Add to Cart
BAROLO WINE VINEGAR 500ML Nuestro vinagre de vino Barolo, de color rojo rubí intenso, es amaderado y especiado en nariz, robusto y rico. Con un 6 % de acidez, conserva su acidez, pero es más sutil que nuestro vinagre de vino tinto. Maridaje: Delicioso para... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $13.00 Add to Cart
ACETO DI VINO BIANCO WHITE WINE VINEGAR 3L Vinagre balsámico de Módena IGPSi crees que la sabiduría sólo se encuentra en los libros, estás equivocado. Este Vinagre Balsámico de Módena IGP, envejecido en barricas y barricas de roble, es el resultado... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $12.50 Add to Cart
ACETO BALSAMICO DI MODENA SENZA CARAMELO 250 ML Nacido del encuentro entre la experiencia de crianza de Varvello con la larga y elaborada elaboración del Vinagre Balsámico de Módena IGP, es el resultado de una hábil mezcla de vinagre y mosto cocido obtenido de uvas... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.00 Add to Cart
EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL "PRIMO" ORGANIC COLD EXTRACTION El Primo Bio ORGÁNICO se produce en los Montes Ibleos (sureste de Sicilia), a una altitud de 350-450 m sobre el nivel del mar. Proviene de plantas orgánicas antiguas en una zona montañosa orientada al sur. Variedad 100 % Tonda... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $42.00 Add to Cart
Organic fig and lemon jam 270g La compota de higos orgánicos Alce Nero se elabora exclusivamente con higos y limones cultivados en Italia, sin pectina añadida. Se caracteriza por el contraste entre el dulzor de los higos y el sabor ácido del limón, con una... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $5.75 Add to Cart
Organic strawberry jam 270g La compota de fresa ecológica Alce Nero se elabora exclusivamente con fresas cultivadas en Italia, sin pectina añadida. La fruta se prepara delicadamente para obtener una compota de consistencia suave y delicioso sabor a fruta. Es ideal... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.00 Add to Cart
Organic blueberry Jam 270g La compota de arándanos orgánicos Alce Nero se caracteriza por un sabor dulce, intenso y ligeramente ácido. Está elaborada con arándanos orgánicos y no contiene pectina añadida. La fruta se prepara... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.25 Add to Cart
CONDIMENTO CON SUCCO DI MELA 250ML Nuestro vinagre de manzana añejo, muy delicado y fragante, pasa un largo período de maduración en barrica. Este tiempo de reposo lento le aporta notas ligeras (a veces de miel) e intensas al mismo tiempo. Un vinagre con grandes... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $13.40 Add to Cart
ACETO REALE ROSE CONDIMENTO CON MOSTO D' UVA 250ML ¿Y si la verdad está en el medio? ¿Entre blanco y rojo? El Condimento Rosado está dedicado a todos aquellos que aman estos vinos con su color y sabor inconfundibles y que no quieren parecer iguales a los demás. Con... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $12.70 Add to Cart
JAR OF ORGANIC CLASSIC BRUSCHETTA WITH TOMATO Sabrosa, sencilla y auténtica, nuestra bruschetta fue concebida para que todos puedan degustar el sabor fresco y aromático de los tomates sicilianos, aderezados con nuestro aceite de oliva virgen extra, ajo y albahaca. INGREDIENTESTomates... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $8.00 Add to Cart
Organic Arborio white rice AlceNero 500g Alce Nero organic arborio rice is grown in Italy and is characterised by large pearl white grains which guarantee excellent firmness when cooked, making it ideal for preparing creamy risottos and desserts. It is vacuum packaged. Each package comes with a... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $5.00 Add to Cart
Organic lentils 400g It is best to soak lentils for 6 hours in cold water and change the water at least once. To ensure a soft skin, only add salt when nearly cooked. Alce Nero lentils are ideal for preparing soups and purées. MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.00
DISCHI VOLANTI 500GR Pasta Integral Organica/ Organic Whole Wheat Pasta. MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $7.40 Add to Cart
ORGANIC WHOLE KHORASAN WHEAT PENNE RIGATE 500GR Khorasan is a delicate grain which requires fertile soil and a warm climate in order to achieve satisfactory growth, otherwise harvests tend to be meagre. It has always been cultivated in the Mediterranean area, especially in North Africa, Spain and... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.25 Add to Cart
ORGANIC WHOLE KHORASAN WHEAT SPAGHETTI 500GR Khorasan is a delicate grain which requires fertile soil and a warm climate in order to achieve satisfactory growth, otherwise harvests tend to be meagre. It has always been cultivated in the Mediterranean area, especially in North Africa, Spain and... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.25 Add to Cart
ORGANIC MEZZE MANICHE SENATORE CAPPELLI "PARCHI TOSCANI" 500GR Parchi della Toscana pasta is a product created by Alce Nero in cooperation with Legambiente in order to convert the land in all Italian parks to organic farming, reducing the impact of conventional farming based on the use of synthetic chemicals and... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.50 Add to Cart
Organic linguine Senatore Cappelli "Parchi Toscani" 500g Parchi della Toscana pasta is a product created by Alce Nero in cooperation with Legambiente in order to convert the land in all Italian parks to organic farming, reducing the impact of conventional farming based on the use of synthetic chemicals and... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.50 Add to Cart
Organic spaghettoni Senatore Cappelli 500g Alce Nero organic durum wheat spaghettoni is made using the historic variety of durum wheat dating back to the early 20th century, when Nazareno Strampelli ran experimental tests in fields provided by the Marquis Cappelli, thus obtaining superior grains,... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.50 Add to Cart
ORGANIC RIGATONI SENATORE CAPPELLI 500GR Alce Nero organic durum wheat rigatoni is made using the historic variety of durum wheat dating back to the early 20th century, when Nazareno Strampelli ran experimental tests in fields provided by the Marquis Cappelli, thus obtaining superior grains,... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.50 Add to Cart
ORGANIC WHOLE DURUM WHEAT PENNE RIGATE INTEGRALI 500GR Alce Nero organic wholemeal penne rigate is obtained using nothing but organic wholemeal durum wheat semolina which is made by milling the whole grain, without any refinement or added ingredients. The semolina dough, made using spring water from the... MSRP: Antes: Ahora: $6.00 Add to Cart